Well, well, a real surprise today. We noticed some fellows with discrete Virgin logo's on their apparel lurking outside our gallery this morning. They were earnestly discussing stuff in a huddled bunch, pointing at the road, pavement, roof, sky, everything really. Then all of a sudden - armageddon ! six vehicles turned up, each loaded with an assortment of diggers, drills, big rolls of cable, and chaps in hard hats (and one girl in a hard hat as well - she was bossing the navies doing the digging !) Cones were deposited, pavements were cordoned off, tools were unloaded. And the work began.
Apparently, according to the chaps, it had been ordained that our services were to be installed-by hook or by crook. So instead of waiting until April, we now have all our Virgin Media services, and we can now have our stationery printed and receive phone calls on a bona fide landline number (which, by the way, is 0141 572 0513 if you should feel the urge to phone us for a goss).
Thursday, 17 March 2011
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Our latest products for passover are now on the website. We are now taking commissions for Seder plates, Matzah plates. Decorative stained glass and Mezuzot are also available if you are looking for a gift, or just to refresh your home this year. We are bookmarked on Delicious
Or take a look at our website at http://tinyurl.com/49pb8kv
Or take a look at our website at http://tinyurl.com/49pb8kv
Advertising or controversy ?

There's been quite a lot of interest in our latest car sticker!
Now, most folk think its mildly amusing, funny, even, or downright hilarious, however, I'm not sure absolutely everyone would agree.
So, tell us what you think. Here's a photo of the sticker in a friend's car..
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Thursday, 10 March 2011
More crap from Virgin Media..
The saga continues, in true epic form, like a macabre twisted Barbara Taylor Bradford potboiler.
They still refuse to reply to emails and continue to run around like Laurel and Hardy on a bad day. The installation dudes turned up on the appointed day after their contractors had dug up the pavement, and installed the underground access point by our gallery. Virgin dudes turned up and cabled the gallery, promising to return the next morning and link us up externally. Great, you'd think. The cack handed tossers had finally got their shit together and done the job they had promised back in January.
Because after doing all that expensive construction work, they still couldn't complete our installation because their survey hadn't picked up the fact that their conduit was too full of other cables for ours to fit !
So back to their drawing board then. And meanwhile, the compensation bill is mounting....
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They still refuse to reply to emails and continue to run around like Laurel and Hardy on a bad day. The installation dudes turned up on the appointed day after their contractors had dug up the pavement, and installed the underground access point by our gallery. Virgin dudes turned up and cabled the gallery, promising to return the next morning and link us up externally. Great, you'd think. The cack handed tossers had finally got their shit together and done the job they had promised back in January.
Because after doing all that expensive construction work, they still couldn't complete our installation because their survey hadn't picked up the fact that their conduit was too full of other cables for ours to fit !
So back to their drawing board then. And meanwhile, the compensation bill is mounting....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday, 4 March 2011
The ongoing saga of Virgin media's failure
Well, they've been at it again ! the Virgin Media 'customer service' team (if ever there was a misnomer, that phrase is it ) called today to let us know that they are finally going to come along and grace us with their presence on Monday. Woop de fuckin woo........
This is the installation which should have taken place in January, except they close down for nearly two weeks over Christmas and New Year (well, their business account customer team does !!), and then February, except they forgot to tell us that they couldn't install and tried to put the blame on Glasgow City Council ( Fail - they just forgot to deal with the paperwork so thought they'd blame the cooncil).
Anyway, they did send flowers and chocolates, so, thats supposed to be all right then ? and they did offer to discuss compensation for all the lost credit card busines over the Valentines weekend, one of our busiest trading periods, so thats all right then ?
At least according to one of their rather aggressive hectoring so-called customer service dudes who goes by the name of Matthew Middleton. He grandly informed me that Virgin does not pay compensation - even when they are in the wrong and have admitted it. Its in the 'contract' you see. No matter that they broke their contract with us. No matter that they cost us oodles of lost sales. No matter shit...
The lordly Mattew Middleton then got even shirtier. He informed me that if we were not in on Monday when his installation team arrived, we would be charged ! Can you believe it, you really could'nt make it up could you ? When I said I was going to raise another complaint, he told me that I could do whatever I wanted, in a matter of fact sort of way these eejits do when they know their company's complaints proceedures are so tortuous that no one ever manages to get any sort of resolution to a complaint, usually giving up through sheer obstefuction. They do after all have the modern day back up which invariably goes with accusations of poor service, which goes something like... "I don't like the way you are speaking to me" or "I'm finding you aggressive" or "please don't speak to me like that"... No shit Sherlock. If you didn't give such crap customer service mate, I wouldn't have to complain would I ?
So let me just get this straight. Virgin won't pay any compensation if they don't come when they say they will, and don't let you know, BUT if you aren't there when they come, they charge you..
Needless to say, I got rather fed up with this hectoring rant from the arrogant Matthew Middleton. There was a tax collector in the bible called Matthew. Virgin's Matthew this morning had a lot in common with his biblical namesake's early life..
And if this is customer service from Virgin, then they deserve to go bust. Our wonderful 3-dongle does the biz for WiFi, and there's always good old BT for a phone line for credit card transactions. Alternatives to Virgin, should they continue to be so crap....
Our compo claim against Virgin is mounting, and after Matthew Middleton's call this morning, we're not in much of a mood to negociate...
And if you're a business contemplating broadband and telephone service installation, DON'T go to Virgin Media. In fact, you'd be better off anywhere else.
Anywhere but Virgin...
This is the installation which should have taken place in January, except they close down for nearly two weeks over Christmas and New Year (well, their business account customer team does !!), and then February, except they forgot to tell us that they couldn't install and tried to put the blame on Glasgow City Council ( Fail - they just forgot to deal with the paperwork so thought they'd blame the cooncil).
Anyway, they did send flowers and chocolates, so, thats supposed to be all right then ? and they did offer to discuss compensation for all the lost credit card busines over the Valentines weekend, one of our busiest trading periods, so thats all right then ?
At least according to one of their rather aggressive hectoring so-called customer service dudes who goes by the name of Matthew Middleton. He grandly informed me that Virgin does not pay compensation - even when they are in the wrong and have admitted it. Its in the 'contract' you see. No matter that they broke their contract with us. No matter that they cost us oodles of lost sales. No matter shit...
The lordly Mattew Middleton then got even shirtier. He informed me that if we were not in on Monday when his installation team arrived, we would be charged ! Can you believe it, you really could'nt make it up could you ? When I said I was going to raise another complaint, he told me that I could do whatever I wanted, in a matter of fact sort of way these eejits do when they know their company's complaints proceedures are so tortuous that no one ever manages to get any sort of resolution to a complaint, usually giving up through sheer obstefuction. They do after all have the modern day back up which invariably goes with accusations of poor service, which goes something like... "I don't like the way you are speaking to me" or "I'm finding you aggressive" or "please don't speak to me like that"... No shit Sherlock. If you didn't give such crap customer service mate, I wouldn't have to complain would I ?
So let me just get this straight. Virgin won't pay any compensation if they don't come when they say they will, and don't let you know, BUT if you aren't there when they come, they charge you..
Needless to say, I got rather fed up with this hectoring rant from the arrogant Matthew Middleton. There was a tax collector in the bible called Matthew. Virgin's Matthew this morning had a lot in common with his biblical namesake's early life..
And if this is customer service from Virgin, then they deserve to go bust. Our wonderful 3-dongle does the biz for WiFi, and there's always good old BT for a phone line for credit card transactions. Alternatives to Virgin, should they continue to be so crap....
Our compo claim against Virgin is mounting, and after Matthew Middleton's call this morning, we're not in much of a mood to negociate...
And if you're a business contemplating broadband and telephone service installation, DON'T go to Virgin Media. In fact, you'd be better off anywhere else.
Anywhere but Virgin...