Friday, 25 February 2011

The power of Three

Our problems with Virgin Media have almost become legendary, amongst the twitter community. While the dust settles and we now not only have no business phone, we are also without a home phone for nearly a week!

The next post will cover the trouble with Virgins very poor customer services communication, and total inability to comply with disability legislation, but lets save that for then. This post is about Three. Yes, the people at , the unassuming excellent service, slightly smaller telecommunications company that I predict in the next decade is going to kick the arrogant butt of the really big guys.

Three has the most affordable and cost effective solutions at prices that make the other telecoms companies look like Dick Turpin and his rip off gang.

I have become a Three convert over the last six months, and in all honesty have only one gripe - There is no signal is the tiny Norfolk village of Methwold Hythe. That said, they really do make the difference.

As of tomorrow we will have been in our premises for three months. We run a number of business activities that especially require the services of a phone and broadband provider, one of our backoffice activities includes web presence for creative people and introducing small business people to social media marketing. No internet - very hard to do business.

Of course we also market our business online, both by having an online shop and by using and maintaining social media relationships with our target client base.

In South Africa there is a saying "'n boer maak 'n plan" - translated it means a farmer/afrikaner makes a plan. - basically no such thing as cant. So in true South African style, we looked for a solution.

I already had a Three dongle that came with a special offer on my daughters netbook, which made a perfect gift for her. While having a dongle that provides 15G of interent juice at a time,it was only keeping one of us online.

Step in the Three MiFi dongle. I must be honest, I had my doubts - this is essentially mobile phone signal internet - not fibre optic. How wrong I was. We bought a Mi-Fi on pay as you go. It does exactly what it says on the box. It connects up to five wireless devices to the internet at the same time. The only time, there is any strain is if several people try to stream video at the same time.

I honestly feel that not only do I get what I paid for, the value is fantastic. I can control the access to the wifi from a small dashboard on my computer, and my customers can have their free wi-fi access.

Now after my misery with the 02/BT/Virgin giants, I have noticed Three, and Three you shine! Over the next six month my iphone contracts will end and guess what 02 - we're leaving you! I'm going to Three. Not only am I leaving you, I am taking, my friends, family and client base with me. so the £200 a month that you will lose (a seeming drop in the ocean extrapolates. You will be losing what would have been 120 retained and new client every month. That works out at £24000, now over a year that becomes over £280 000. That may still be a drop in the ocean to you, but when those clients spread the word, in this economic climate surely that must make you uncomfortable.

Three it's your gain and you didnt even have to try very hard. Your staff are courteous and friendly, your deals are the best on the market and your equipment works. I bought an ipad for my partner to use for business and all going well we'll be getting more.


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