Ballito Bay is bringing you Text for Coffee, which means two things - Our customers can come in and pay by text, if they have no cash available, or they can order coffee if the are within a two block radius. Office workers, lawyers in the courts and fellow shop keepers will now be able to text for coffee.
Our text for coffee menu will include a code each for regular priced drinks, large priced drinks, cakes and biscuits. The customers text to the code, and specify whether they would like a Latte, Cappucino, Machiato and/or cake/biscuits. They leave their name and the destination e.g text to xxxxxx latte, Greg, district court no 6.and we turn up with the drink minutes later.
So let us know what you think and go to the website - an example of the text for coffee menu will be up and running by Monday.
The next step will enable customers to buy glass by text. If they want to purchase an item they can and we'll ship it next day or they can come in to collect!

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